
A selection of published writings, compositions, arrangements, and conference papers.

Books and Book Chapters

The Ruskin Songbook, Ruskin Arts Publications: Cambridge, 2018.

‘Ruskin, Music and the Health of the Nation’ in Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education, Anthem Press: London and New York, 2018.

‘Grainger for Choirs’, in Thwaites, P. (ed.), The New Percy Grainger Companion, Boydell and Brewer: Woodbridge, 2010.

‘Towards a Universal Language’, in Thwaites, P. (ed.), The New Percy Grainger Companion,, Boydell and Brewer: Woodbridge, 2010.

Journal Articles

‘Free Music Machine Conservation’, The Grainger Journal, vol 18, no. 2, January 2023, Percy Grainger Society.

‘Percy Grainger’s Aleatoric Adventures: Towards Random Round’, The Grainger Journal, vol 18, no. 1, July 2022, Percy Grainger Society.

‘Percy Grainger: Free Music, in New York Archives, vol. 20, no. 1, Summer 2020, New York State Archives Partnership Trust: New York.

‘Percy Grainger’s Aleatoric Adventures: The Rarotongan Part-Songs’, Grainger Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol 2. 2012, University of Melbourne: Melbourne, Vic.

‘ “…Out of and for Machines…” – Time-Space and Time-Form in George Antheil’s Ballet mécanique’, in Sonic Ideas, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 2010, Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras.

‘Teaching tomorrow’s teachers: Preparing music undergraduates for employment in education’ in Making Music Work, The Professional Integration Project, Royal College of Music: London, 2000.



  • Percy Grainger: English Folk Songs, for Grade One orchestra, 2004.
  • Olivier Messaien: Jardin du sommeil d’amour for ondes Martenot and piano, 2023.
  • Astor Piazzolla: Esqualo for violin, saxophone and piano, 2023.
  • Astor Piazzolla: Chau Paris, for violin, saxophone and piano, 2019.
  • Astor Piazzolla: Resurrección del Angel, for violin, saxophone and piano, 2016.
  • Miklós Rózsa: Spellbound Concerto, for theremin and piano, 2018.
  • Nicolas Slonimsky: Dream Scents, for two theremins and piano, 2020,


  • Percy Grainger: Love Verses from ‘The Song of Solomon’, 2018.
  • Anthony Scott: Violin Concerto, 2014.

Conference Papers and Presentations

Lines of Beauty: The development of graphic notation in the music of Percy Grainger‘, 2023 Grainger Symposium: New Media and Old Archives – Exploring Twentieth-Century Music, Media and Technology, University of Melbourne, 2023.

‘Who Needs a Music Therapist? Collaborative Music Practice for Health’, European Music Therapy Conference, Queen Margaret’s University, Edinburgh, 2022.

‘Ruskin and Music’, Ruskin the Educator, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, 2015.

Sonata not so Pathétique: Improvisation, Repetition and Language’, Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures, University of Cambridge, 2014.

‘A Universal Language: Grainger’s World Music’, Percy Grainger for the 21st Century, The British Library Conference Centre, London, 2011.

“…like a solid shaft of steel…” – Time-Space and Time-Form in George Antheil’s Ballet mécanique’, Looking Back on the End of Time: Modernism and Beyond, UEA, Norwich, 2009.

Applied Plunderphonia: tagging electronic music with electronic music’, Electroacoustic Music Studies Network 08 conference, Paris.